Magic: the gathring Korea
Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
Set Magic 2013 Core Set
Type Creature — Merfolk
P / T 1 / 1
Flavor "The merfolk of the Pearl Trident have risen from the waves since the earliest days, at times allies to humans, other times enemies. Now their power is cresting again, and who can say which way the new tide will flow."
No. 60
Illust Ray Lago
매직 2013 코어셋 (Common)
6th Edition (Common)
5th Edition (Common)
4th Edition (Common)
Limited Edition Alpha (Common)
Limited Edition Beta (Common)
Magic 2013 Core Set (Common)
Portal (Common)
Revised Edition (Common)
7th Edition (Common)
S99 (Common)
S00 (Common)
Unlimited Edition (Common)
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