Magic: the gathring Korea
Steelform Sliver
Set Magic 2014 Core Set
Type Creature — Sliver

Sliver creatures you control get +0/+1.

P / T 2 / 2
Flavor "Though the slivers may sometimes resemble us, they are not human. Anyone who fights them must remember this."—Sarlena, paladin of the Northern Verge
No. 38
Illust Chase Stone
매직 2014 코어셋 (Uncommon)
Magic 2014 Core Set (Uncommon)
가격 최종 업데이트 : 2023-04-12 05:01:07
NORMAL 400₩    FOIL 500₩
상태 판매샵 가격 재고 수량
최상 교대 달무티 400₩ 4 담기
최상 하비게임몰 400₩ 1 담기
최상 FOIL 부산 더 락 500₩ 2 담기