Magic: the gathring Korea
Zombie Goliath
Set Magic 2013 Core Set
Type Creature — Zombie Giant
P / T 4 / 3
Flavor "Removing the encumbrance of useless brain tissue grants several advantages: a slight increase in mobility, a response of revulsion and horror from the enemy, and, in the case of large specimens, room for passengers."
—Zul Ashur, lich lord
No. 119
Illust E. M. Gist
매직 2013 코어셋 (Common)
Magic 2010 Core Set (Common)
Magic 2012 Core Set (Common)
Magic 2013 Core Set (Common)
Conspiracy (Common)
매직 2012 코어셋 (Common)
가격 최종 업데이트 : 2023-04-12 05:01:07
NORMAL 400₩    FOIL 400₩
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최상 교대 달무티 400₩ 4 담기
최상 FOIL 교대 달무티 400₩ 2 담기
최상 FOIL 부산 더 락 400₩ 1 담기