Magic: the gathring Korea
Tasseled Dromedary
Set Kaladesh
Type Creature — Camel
P / T 0 / 4
Flavor There is no dress code for the Inventors' Fair, but you'll be hard-pressed to find anyone or anything not done up in their finest.
No. 30
Illust Raoul Vitale
Kaladesh (Common)
칼라데시 (Common)
가격 최종 업데이트 : 2023-04-12 05:01:07
NORMAL 400₩    FOIL 400₩
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최상 교대 달무티 400₩ 4 담기
최상 FOIL 교대 달무티 400₩ 4 담기
최상 하비게임몰 400₩ 4 담기
상급 FOIL 부산 더 락 800₩ 1 담기