Magic: the gathring Korea
Dune Beetle
Set Amonkhet
Type Creature — Insect
P / T 1 / 4
Flavor The scouring sands of Shefet polish its carapace, and the ranks of the cursed fill its belly.
No. 89
Illust Grzegorz Rutkowski
Amonkhet (Common)
아몬케트 (Common)
Mystery Booster (Common)
가격 최종 업데이트 : 2023-04-12 05:01:07
NORMAL 400₩    FOIL 400₩
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최상 교대 달무티 400₩ 4 담기
최상 FOIL 부산 더 락 400₩ 1 담기
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최상 FOIL 하비게임몰 400₩ 1 담기