Magic: the gathring Korea
Gleam of Battle
Set Dragon's Maze
Type Enchantment

Whenever a creature you control attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on it.

Flavor Every soldier returns from battle changed: by hardship, by blood, by a glimpse of glory.
No. 73
Illust Raymond Swanland
용의 미로 (Uncommon)
Dragon's Maze (Uncommon)
가격 최종 업데이트 : 2023-04-12 05:01:07
NORMAL 400₩    FOIL 1,500₩
상태 판매샵 가격 재고 수량
최상 교대 달무티 400₩ 4 담기
최상 FOIL 하비게임몰 1,500₩ 1 담기
최상 FOIL 하비게임몰 2,200₩ 1 담기